
Oh my god, I'm living up to the name of this blog and actually using this page like a diary. Someone, pinch me.

Anyways, today I was woken up at one in the morning by one of the blades in my box fan loudly breaking off, so I had to use my phone as a noisemaker. Then, three hours later, I was woken up by the LOUDEST ALARM IN THE WORLD. Guess what? Someone set off the fire alarm! Not only that, but I think they made the alarm LOUDER than it was last semester. It's a miracle I didn't get tinnitus.

And then I slept peacefully until I had to wake up.

Nah, I'm fucking with you.

Three hours after that (forty-five minutes before I needed to wake up, mind you), I get woken up by a DIFFERENT alarm. The main difference is that a) it's quieter, and b) it's... not coming from inside the building. It's coming from outside. After enough trying to ignore it, I went up and looked out the window and it was the FOOTBALL PLAYERS DOING THE GODDAMN FITNESSGRAM PACER TEST. Fun fact, my dorm is RIGHT ABOVE THE FOOTBALL FIELD. And I could hear EEEEVERYTHING. I jsut gave up on trying to go to sleep and ended up joining a voice call until I had to get up for real.

As I was walking to the dining hall, it started snowing, which was nice. Unfortunately, most of the snow melted on my walk to class, which led to a car driving 35 mph through a giant puddle and SOAKING MY JEEEEEEANS. Do you know how much it sucks to walk in freezing weather for several minutes in wet jeans?! I do not recommend it. I was miserable.

It wasn't all bad, though. All of my classes today were really easy. I had one at 9AM, one at 10AM, and one... at 6PM. And that 6PM class was a three hour long lecture. I was worried it would be boring, but I actually enjoyed it a lot! It's a class about a lot of things- future tech and social media and way more. I'm almost sad that I only have it once a week... but man, it would suck having a 6PM class more than once a week.

Anyways, I need to go to bed. I have another three hour class tomorrow... at 8 AM. Oy vey. Good night.