
Listening to: Extraordinary - Liz Phair ("I am just your ordinary average everyday sane psycho supergoddess!")

Reading: My own writing, again.

Watching: YouTube drama videos on people I don't care about

Playing: n/A

Eating: Nothing right now... I should get a snack.

Drinking: Peach iced tea with vodka

One day I'll write two entries in a month again...

What's going on with me right now... well, what isn't going on? For one, I'm (HOPEFULLY!) going back to college in the fall! I ended up taking a gap year to get my ducks in a row financially, and I'm hoping I can graduate next year! I'd like to hope I can get swooped up by a gaggle of rich people that eagerly fund every one of my strange perverse art projects, but I'll most likely end up back in retail before I can get a good art or writing job. I've been enjoying working retail, sure, but I'll be the first to admit I'm very lucky with how well everything there worked out for me. My manager is nice, the customers are understanding of how horrible everything is there, and I get to play my CDs over the loudspeaker. At least I have lots of skills for my resume...

Still haven't finished my Nanowrimo script, unfortunately. What I wouldn't give for a hit of whatever I was on in November that got me to write 120 pages of it! Or, well, 112 pages after you change the font size. My goal for myself is to get it done by June- you know, for pride month. I know I can do it! And I know why I haven't done it! I need to write a few more scenes, which will up the already-high page count. When I see the page count climb, I want to cut all the horribly long scenes that I've already written- but when I try, I don't know where to start! What if I cut a line that will be thematically relevant later?! I don't know, because I haven't WRITTEN the later! AUGH! It's TORTURE! I swear, my life would be so much easier if I wrote with horse blinders!

But I've written so much already... and I have people who are excited to read it! It's nice to write for someone who isn't yourself (implying this isn't incredibly self-indulgent). I'll get there. Eventually. Slowly. Painstakingly.