

Okay, no, I'm exaggerating. But jesus, today was just one stress after another.

The first stress came when I was at my campus's gay club and I overheard one of the other students talking about housing arrangements. We started talking and I said something along the lines of "Oh, I'm not picking my own dorm. I'm just going to let it pick one for me randomly like last semester.", only for me to find out that they only do that for incoming students... which does not include me. Also, the last day to pick a room was today. Also also, the deadline to submit your roommate application was last month. Also also also, I had knownthis and ignored all the emails, because I figured I didn't need to send in an application. This is wrong. I now had three hours to grovel at the feet of the housing department and pray to every god I do and don't believe in to let me live on campus, because I am too goddamn poor to be able to commute and gas is expensive and cars are scary and I can't drive, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-

Then I talked to them and it turned out literally everything was fine. Of course, I thought. I'm God's speacialest little boy. Nothing else bad will happen today, right?

Fast forward a few hours, and I'm calling with my mom to sort out payment things. She's paying for my housing stuff, since I don't have any stable income right now, and she says I should check my bank account to make sure I don't have any fradulent charges. I check it, and I don't, but... why do I only have fourteen dollars in my bank account? I just finished two $50 commissions! I have no idea, but everything in my paymnet history looks up to snuff, so I doubt I'm hacked. This, of course, isn't the worst thing ever. I stockpile food in my dorm already and rarely buy things. However, I'm going to visit my friend in the next state over at the end of April, and I need sixty dollars for a round trip bus ticket. How the hell am I going to get that much money in a month?! There's nowhere around here that'll hire me that fast, and my commissions NEVER sell that high! Not only that, but I'll probably need morethan sixty dollars for food and other things- WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!