STRESS, STRESS, STRESS. I submitted the wrong version of my concept art project and had to run all the way back to my dorm to submit the right one, and then I spent the rest of that class rushing my proposal for my 3D animation final. I got it all done… only to find out that class was cancelled. THAT DOESNT MEAN I DIDNT HAVE TO SUBMIT IT, THOUGH! So I skipped lunch, ran home, finished the proposal, and promptly passed out for the next few hours. After that, I watched the new total drama season with my friend Shirley, which was nice. No spoilers, I promise! But it’s actually pretty good! I liked the characters a lot more than I should. It's also incredibly and unfortunately abundant with its Total Drama-isms. Skip the eighth episode if you don’t have a strong stomach. And skip the fifth one if you have any sense of decency whatsoever. Eugh.