Job hunting has been going... not very well.
Here's a list of things I need to consider for the job I'm looking for.
- Distance. Nothing more than five miles away from home, because there's only one car and I can't drive.
- Labor intensity (physical). If you've been imagining me as a rippling-chest body builder, I'm sorry to admit that I'm actually built like a sunshine-deprived art student. You know, because I am one. I can't lift heavy objects, I can't run very far, and I can't stand for... well, I'm actually not too bad at standing for a long time- it's just annoying.
- Labor intensity (mental). Here's the slightly more embarrassing one. Anything that requires long bouts of talking on my end is kind of a no-go. I'm great at talking for a long time, sure, but what holds me back is my... how do you say... evident autism. I can't keep eye contact, I talk too fast and slur my words, a good amount of social cues tend to fly over my head- the list goes on. So being a cashier or a sales floor person are a bit out of my range.
- Lack of experience. My only "real" job was working as a busboy in a horrible little restaurant when I was in high school for under minimum wage, and I wasn't very good at it. Like, to the point where when I talk about my coworkers hating me and talking shit about me behind my back, I can't help but add "Well, I mean... it's not like I didn't deserve it a little bit...". Besides that, I mainly get money from freelance commissions.
You might say that this doesn't leave me a lot of options for jobs. And you're right. Help.
It's not like I'm TRYING to put all these handicaps on myself, I swear! I want to get a normal American job working for fifteen hours in the hamburger mines or whatever. I just... can't? I find a job nearby, but I don't have the qualifications for it. I find a job I have the qualifications for that won't be taxing on me, and it's too far away for me to get a ride to! Sure, I could get my license so I could drive there myself- but we only have the one car and I can't just take it away for several hours at a time, and I don't have the money to buy my OWN car, because I don't have a job, and I can't get a job because I don't have a car, and- DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM HERE?!