
Man. It's been a while, huh?

Not much has really been going on since my last diary post, which is why I haven't really been updating this section of the website besdies a few aesthetic changes here and there. The ost interesting thing that's been happening recently is my horrible and arduous fight to... *squints at notes* apply to a college that already accepted me. I was due for a housing scholarship that was supposed to take a whole $1k off of my tutition (huzzah for poor people benefits!), but I couldn't get it unless I sent in a deposit before the 3rd of June. But when I tried to do that, the college said that they were still processing my portfolio (as I'm shooting for an arts degree) and that I wouldn't be able to send in a deposit until they finished looking it over. However, there was a workaround! If I temporarily changed my major, I could bypass them needing to approve my portfolio, send in my deposit, and then change it right back and enjoy a nice $1k off of my tuition!

Or like, I would have. If they had ANSWERED MY GODDAMN EMAILS.

After responding in less than twelve hours to all of my emails asking about changing my major, they then refused to get back to me for almost a week straight. I called the college THE DAY BEFORE THE DEADLINE and asked what the hold up was, since they said it was supposed to be a relatively painless process, and they said that they never GOT the email, so I needed to SEND ANOTHER ONE. So I did that, on call with the admissions office, and told them that I needed this approved TODAY, and that I couldn't wait any longer.

I got my major change email on the 4th, and my portfolio approval on the 5th. I hate it here. I've been trying to call them ever since, but every time that I DO, I get a BUSY TONE. I wouldn't be surprised if they just blocked my number and are ignoring me. Tomorrow I'm waking up at 9 AM and giving them some sob story about how bad my financial situation is (not entirely untrue, mind you) and hoping that they cut me some goddamn slack.

Also, what do you think of the new site? A friend of mine, Medley, helped me make it look a lot nicer... and by that I mean I stole his table codes and then got confused when his code started clashing with mine. In his words, "Your first mistake was injecting my code into yours. Because you code in a very... interesting way. And it's incorrect.". The old version of this site was sort of held together with duct tape and popsicle sticks, considering that I was coding it while watching tutorials in a pop-out window instead of doing, uh... whatever I'm supposed to be doing? My one friend Mesh is waiting to learn all the code stuff that she needs to before she even touches Neocities, which I can't imagine doing. I get too antsy. Blame it on the ADHD, I suppose.

On a lighter note, I need to learn how to cook. I'm already kind of decent at it, but I've had microwave ramen for the past three days for dinner, and my palete craves finer things. Or at least less salty things. Maybe I'll look for some cookbooks online. On a non-lighter note, I need to get a job. I tried applying to a t-shirt printing place, but they were full on applicants already. The big problem with hunting for jobs is that I can't drive and I still live with my parents, so I need to find something within walking distance so that I don't have to shell out for an Uber every time I want to go to work. Also, I HAAAAAATE job searching. I hate resumes and I hate job WEBSITES and I hate needing to have so-and-so amount of experience for beginner positions and AUGHHHHHHHHHH WHY COULDN'T I JUST WORK AT THE T-SHIRT PLACE INSTEAD OF BEING STUCK IN HELL. I know restaraunts and fast food places are always looking for employees, but I'd rather castrate myself than work in food service again. Maybe I'll just take up odd jobs instead...