
I was hoping I would get to start making diary entries daily again, but I was distracted by my friends asking me to play Jackbox and I completely forgot.

Anways, great news for 06/09/2022 enjoyers! I GOT THE SCHOLARSHIP! It turns out that waking up at 9 AM really was the key to getting them to answer my goddamn calls. Who would of thunk it. Now I just need to do... everything else. Sigh. Why must college be such a pain. On non-scholarship related news, I made a really good baked macaroni and cheese recipe yesterday- MF DOOM's Baked Mac and Cheese recipe, to be exact. That recipe uses SO MUCH GODDAMN CHEESE. Not that I'm complaining, I'm Italian, but holy shit. 8 oz of Montery Jack is fine, but FOUR ENTIRE CUPS OF CHEDDAR? GIRL? Who cares though, it was the fucking BOMB. Holy shit. As much as I love cooking, though, it requires a looot of attention. I was struggling to keep track of everything near the end... but that might be because I was also cooking dinner for my sister, who just wanted plain macaroni with American cheese on it (not the Kraft singles, you animals. I'm talking about White American cheese.). Watching two pots at the same time isn't my forte, and her pasta was a little burned by the end... but my pasta was fine, and she didn't really seem to notice, so nothing of value was lost. Yipee!

That's about all of the interesting stuff that happened on the 10th. Today, I went to my first pride event of the year! I was hoping to go to one in a major city, but the one closest to me was a lot earlier in the month... maybe next year. My sister got asked to be a vendor at a first-time pride event in the middle of nowhere, so my brother and I went with her to help her set up her tent. It was really fun! I forgot how nice it is to be around real gay people. A list of people I remember from the pride event are as follows:

When I got home, a friend of my mom's brought over a really fucking good tub of vegan spaghetti. I'm eating it as I write this! I spent the rest of the day playing more Jackbox and coding and trying not to fall asleep before 8 PM. Good day.