
Well, you won't believe what happened today. After three blissful weeks being all alone in my dorm without a roommate... while I was in bed, taking a nap after a long day of classes... I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I get up, put on a robe, and open my door to see...


Not even my roommate who was SUPPOSED to show up! This girl is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! I didn't even get TOLD about this! (Okay, I did, but it was in an email, and I don't check my email because I hate checking my email). On the plus side, she seemed pretty nice. She also seemed pretty embarrassed about dropping in unannounced and "catching me in my pajamas"- but to be honest, I change into my pajamas the second that I'm out of class, so that situation was kind of unavoidable unless she caught me coming back from class or getting out of the shower. She dropped her stuff off here before dipping, and she's moving in tomorrow. Here's hoping that rooming with her goes well...