
Listening to: Sex & Candy - Marcy Playground

Reading: My math notes...

Watching: How to Perform an Exorcism - Horses (on YouTube)

Playing: Nothing, currently...

Eating: Leftover hoagie from a few days ago

Drinking: Water

JESUS. I haven't been on here in a while. And I've actually had THINGS TO REPORT ON! Where do I even start...?

First off, I am.... *drumroll* BACK IN COLLEGE! God, does it feel good to do things other than go to work and rot in my room. Unfortunately, my gen eds didn't transfer over from my community college... so guess who has to take them all again? This sucker. At least my math class hasn't been too much of a headache... but besides that, I've really been enjoying the new campus! It's hard to find clubs to join that don't conflict with my work schedule, but I'm not letting that stop me. I joined the radio club! I have my own show! Well... it's not really a radio show, if we're being pedantic. FCC regulations and all that. We have a fancy radio soundboard setup and a broadcast room, but the only place we're actually being broadcast is to a stream on the college's website. Ah well. At least I get to play my music.

There's also a drag show coming up on the 28th, but... man, I am NOT ready. The fliers for auditions aren't even out yet, and it's in LESS THAN A MONTH! The only reason I know about it is because the gay club had a poster advertising it at the club fair... which was an entire month ago. Even then, I'm not sure if I should try out. I have a lot of ideas for routines, but NO SPACE TO PRACTICE! At least I had a dorm to myself at my previous college- but at home, I don't even have a bedroom to myself. Or a room with a lock that isn't the bathroom. Sigh. Maybe it wasn't meant to be...?

Anyways, here's a fun announcement from Homosexual Diaries.

That's the Lithromantic flag, for those playing the home game. It's an offshoot of aromanticism, which has been a label I've been turning over for a while. As it turns out, worrying that you're not "attracted enough" to a partner the moment you start dating is not normal... or feeling like you need to exaggerate your emotions in order to be "equal"... or wanting a romantic relationship only to lose all interest once the thing actually starts. Who woulda thunk it. It's a label that feels a bit odd to say I identify with, which is why I'm keeping this announcement sequestered away on here. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually... but hey, it sure explains a lot of things.

But hey, that's not to say I'm changing the blog name to "Lithromantic Diaries" or anything. I've been getting up to a decent amount of homosexual activity in my downtime... which I feel a bit shy talking about on here. Eep. Maybe that'll happen in the next entry.