Rainbow Pinwheel Pointer

Me! I'm this asshole! :D

Name: Frankie/Kim
Gender: Including, but not limited to: bigender, androgyne, girlslut, boyslut, transsexual ex-boy girlfriend, fancy transvestite, and the attached image.
A photo of a page from My Gender Workbook by Kate Bornstein. The excerpt reads: I'm a bi-gender boychick with boobs and balls. Call me Ken, or call me Barbie- same doll, different packaging; some assembly required; sex, clothing and accessories sold separately; available in fine boy-tiques everywhere.
Pronouns: she/her, he/him, ke/ker
Age: 21
Birthday: August 15th
Likes: brightly-patterned button ups, statement pieces, long walks in the forest, having money in my bank account, chocolate eclairs, good-luck charms, blue-raspberry lollipops
Dislikes: bacon grease, combination locks, moldy dairy, fluorescent lights, bass-boosted music, freeze-dried vegetables in cup ramen, smiling for photos (I'm not edgy, I just smile like I've got something stuck up my ass)

An animated divider of red blood dripping.

Hey, you found my about page! I go by a lot of names, but you can call me Frankie or Kim. I turned twenty-one years old a few months ago (oh God, isn't that terrifying?), and I want to get a job in the animation industry! However, the animation industry is big and scary, so I'm currently minoring in Writing as a nice safety net. It's a nice, general subject- I could do something interestng like writing scripts, or maybe I'll just write safety manuals for forklifts for the rest of my life. That wouldn't be too bad... as long as they let me drink on the job.

What am I? That's a good question. When I know the answer, I'll be sure to tell you! I have several different identity labels that I rotate depending on my mood, but I'm currently feeling genderfluid. Who's to say that'll stick, though? I seem to exist in a constant state of changing and morphing (but then again, who doesn't?).

I have a loooot of interests and hobbies. My biggest interest of all of them is comedy! Comedy has been this ever-present force in my life ever since I was a kid, and I find so much about it fascinating. The good, the bad, the utterly confusing... as most people do, I prefer comedy when it's good, but my tolerance for bad comedy is much higher than most! For most people, there is nothing to gain when watching a bad comedy. When watching a bad action or horror movie, you can at least find comedy in its ineptitude. But where is the comedy in something that is meant to be funny and failing horribly? Who knows! I manage to find it though. And sometimes watching things that are unfunny helps you learn what does and doesn't work when writing comedy, so maybe there's some educational value in it after all (But it helps that I'm easily entertained).

As for other interests, I like drawing, writing, spreadsheet organization, astrology, crystals, tarot cards, and collecting things! I love drawing so much that I'm going to college for it- I'd love to be a storyboarder or character designer. I'm leaning towards the latter, only because the union benefits for storyboarders are non-fucking-existant, and so many storyboarders that I follow end up getting horribly untreatable wrist fractures from having to work a million hours a day. I love storyboarding so much, though... maybe a bit of a fracture is worth it?

I feel like saying "I love music" is a pretty general thing to say, but I really mean it when I say it! Music's always been incredibly important in my life- mostly because I'm an easily-overstimulated type who likes drowning out the world around me when I'm in public. My favorite bands are Los Campesinos!, Say Anything, Electric Six, Fall Out Boy, Weezer, Self, CAKE, Jellyfish, and waaay more that I'm forgetting...

you are navajowhite

Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down.

Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the spacefem.com html color quiz
I am parmesan!
A green blinkie with peridot gems that reads August Born. A blinkie with a rainbow background and white text reading angel. On both sides of the text are a smiley face with angel wings. A white blinkie with a blinking blue dotted line border. The blinkie has text reading Doing my part to piss off the religious right, and there's a rainbow triangle on the left side of the text. A blinkie with the trans flag as the background. Black text is overlaid that reads Transgender. A rainbow blinkie with a rainbow border. The text is in a black bubble letter font with a yellow outine, and it reads Who needs drugs when you've got blinkies? A blue blinkie with a blinking yellow border that reads You looked better in the chatroom. A black blinkie with a flashing heart border that reads I love you, asshole. A black blinkie with yellow text that reads Shhh... dumbass at work. A red blinkie with black text that reads Sexy and single A black blinkie with yellow text that reads Bisexuals have the best of both worlds. A light yellow blinkie with black text that reads I'm not crazy, your reality is just different than mine. A light blue blinkie with purple text that reads My halo is temporarily out of order. A light gray blinkie with dark gray text that reads A life? What's that?